Hosting and Security
Updated over a week ago

Your privacy is of the utmost important to us, and we have invested time and resources in guaranteeing to our customers and users the highest standards of security.

We are ISO/IEC 27001 certified and are regularly assessed by third party auditors and customers. All data going through Cloudpresenter is encrypted both in-transit and at-rest. Data in-transit is always encrypted with the latest TLS 1.2 protocol.

Cloudpresenter stores and processes information of our clients (customers purchasing our digital products) and their end-users (users of digital products provided by client

End-user information is stored and processed in the German data centre of provider AWS. The sole purpose is to provide services to clients.

Data at rest is encrypted via AES-256 encryption before being stored. AES-256 currently offers the highest level of encryption of any standard and it is widely used by both banks and government agencies around the world to protect sensitive information.

Cloudpresenter's servers are hosted with Amazon Web Services (AWS) in their Frankfurt, Singapore, and North Virginia regions. AWS is a global data center & cloud computing provider with secure locations all over the world. Cloudpresenter’s data centers are SSAE16 SOC1 / SOC2 / SOC3 and ISO 27001 compliant. This means our physical servers all have 24/7 video surveillance, biometric locks, and strict personnel access controls.

Client information is stored and processed with additional Sub-Processors and Service Providers.

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